Changing Clinical Directions for People with Chronic Pain – Virtual GP Education Session
With the recent changes (1 June 2020) to the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) listings for opioid medicines, many medical professionals are looking for alternate options for people living with chronic pain.
North Shore Private Hospital and Northern Pain Centre are proud to present this virtual education session, featuring three of our senior Multidisciplinary Pain Management Team:
- A/Prof Charles Brooker
Interventional Pain Medicine Specialist
- Dr Andrew Singer
Consultant Psychiatrist
Pain Medicine Specialist
- Adrian Brezniak
Pain Specialist Physiotherapist
This interactive discussion will include two common chronic pain case studies and the multidisciplinary approach to their management. To RSVP to this event visit here.
To learn more or RSVP
- Visit the North Shore Private GP Education website
- Contact us via email or call us on 9439 6456
- If you would like to attend please RSVP here